Friday, June 01, 2007

books that challenged me to rethink,recreate & explore

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Reading the title may give some the perception that the book is to teach one to learn to manage time, execute, and accomplish things. Yes, in a way it is, but it is largely not.
It gives a very philosophical approach and very wide focus to understand and deal with the many challenges that life has to offer. Some sort of a guide book on how to draw a map for yourself.

It must be read with an open mind, a book not to be read just once, but to referred to from time to time; to re-adjust our internal compass. Also not a book to be read from beginning to end within a month; instead to be digested with patience and appreciating the depth and breadth Stephen Covey has to offer.

One of the books that would make the world a better place to live in. You can get it off from almost every bookstore, also 2nd hand copies as it has been in circulation for a very long time already.

Conversation by Theodore Zeldin
No, it does not teach you to be a great conversationalist!
Not a book on how to be interesting..... in fact, it is not a self-help or personal development sort of book. I stumbled upon this gem on Amazon when I purchased another book by T.Zeldin, "An
Intimate History of Humanity

The subject of the book is about "Conversation" itself, the history of conversation and how it has evolved over time. He encourages us all to go on this adventure of "social intercourse". Its got these little funny paintings as well that he drew himself and is supposed to arouse the reader to discuss/talk about the topic of the drawing. It didn't work on me. Still a book to read once in awhile; it has little pieces of beautiful quotes hidden in the paragraphs.

One of my favourite reminders, on the topic of relationship; couples have forgotten to talk about love.

The book will remind you of the wonders of conversation and to go have a drink or two with your lover/buddies/family/colleagues to loosen your tongues and embark on a talking adventure! Quote by Paulo Coelho

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