Sunday, June 03, 2007

malaysian traffic 10 years back and now

Perhaps a good judgement of how a country has progressed can simply be observed by how the country people behave on the road. Following is a list of the things that have not changed for the past 10 years.....
  1. any lane can be the fast and slow lane
  2. indicating only when you feel like it; urm, what is meaning - indicate?
  3. when a roundabout is partially clogged, break all rules
  4. yellow line means park
  5. merging lane means go faster and see who has more guts
  6. courtesy? it's all about survivor of the fittest
  7. in the parking lot, arrow facing me means go straight
  8. bad traffic? keep changing lane till you're ahead
  9. bad traffic? motorcyclist can go in any direction
  10. i'm 90, record holder of the malaysian oldest driver on the road; my license is valid for 10 years; let's publish this in our national daily

What if it is not the drivers' fault? We have to adapt to the conditions in order to survive! Let's observe then the road/transport conditions that have not changed for the last 10 years.....

  1. pot holes to keep you alert while on the road
  2. traffic lights are for aesthetics, it's okay if the green or red light don't work
  3. the "green man" sign does not need to coordinate with the "red" light
  4. road signs can be placed anywhere and possibly as far as possible from the destination and as we get closer; do not place any more signs
  5. place bus stops where the pile of rubbish is
  6. entry/exit lanes can be built on the left and right; preferably in the alternating pattern and as close as possible
  7. make either gigantic speed bumps or mini ant hills
  8. draw yellow and white lines to mark the lanes, make sure they overlap
  9. built the roads; analyse the traffic after; make changes where necessary
  10. tar the road; dig holes and lay pipes; cover the holes only

can you think of more? feel free!

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